I’ve just finished upgrading to WordPress 2.0.1 on Debian. The upgrade itself went very smoothly and my overall first 10 minutes impression is positive. It may take me a little while to get use to the WYSIWYG editor, but I seem to recall you can turn it off and there is an html editor as well, so if I get too frustrated there are paths out.
The only minor issue I had to get around was due to WP 2.0.1 only being in testing for Debian. I’m currently running stable, so I had to figure out how to upgrade just wordpress on testing. This involved adding
to /etc/apt/sources.list and then running the following:
> apt-get -t testing install wordpress
Everything worked great from there. BTW, the only reason I waited so long was because I had to wait for the plugins I use to be upgraded for 2.0.