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Category Archives: Tweet Digests

Twitter digests

Tweets for 2017-12-10

RT @MrJTea01: @zzzzaaaacccchhh @Newsweek Bad take 11:30:55

Tweets for 2017-12-09

Congratulations @kentmacdonald. Now you've lost all future donations from this alumnus. May not be millions you've… 09:40:32

Tweets for 2017-12-08

RT @bruce_croxon: Good sum up of the non logic behind liberal #unfairtaxchanges ' 06:50:50

Tweets for 2017-12-07

RT @SimpsonsQOTD: *Alright brain. You don't like me and I don't like you. But let's just do this and I can get back to killing you wi… 05:43:40 RT @TravWeav: Bought 1,500 bitcoin in 2011 for $2.87 each. I will pick 5 random people who retweet this and give one to each of y… […]

Tweets for 2017-12-03

RT @MrSakalauskas: I haven’t worn my X ring in about a year b/c of questionable politics at the uni…but this takes the cake.… 07:11:03

Tweets for 2017-12-01

Wow… you've got a lot of nerve @kentmacdonald. Seems like not a good time to promote a corrupt, tax evading arms… 07:52:03

Tweets for 2017-11-30

RT @seanmcevoy_: So many angles to look at, but each of the 4 major donors identified in this story have sig… 07:11:12 We need an answer here @kentmacdonald. If #StFX has any hope of receiving any donations from this alumnus in the… 15:08:58 I may actually answer the phone next time @StFXAlumni […]

Tweets for 2017-11-23

RT @NTYessays: For what are we thankful? Neat ideas like this: our friends at @LoveYourMelon would love to sell you one of these s… 13:21:10

Tweets for 2017-11-22

RT @bonanos: I see you coming, Black Friday. In the meantime, have you met Spam Wednesday? 11:38:51

Tweets for 2017-11-18

RT @bruce_croxon: @acoyne Maybe has something to do with their complete misstep on the #unfairtaxchanges and the conflict of interes… 08:38:45 RT @ThePracticalDev: Software development 08:46:30