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Category Archives: Tweet Digests

Twitter digests

Tweets for 2017-06-04

RT @MadelnCanada: Meanwhile in Canada.. Alberta man breaks out his lawnmower with a tornado behind him and says he "was keeping an ey… 19:02:06

Tweets for 2017-05-18

RT @ClickHole: Meet The Navy SEAL In Charge Of Pushing Osama Bin Laden’s Body Back Into The Ocean Every Time It Washes Up On Shore… 18:28:28

Tweets for 2017-05-06

Maybe I'm getting old or losing my mind but it seems to be getting harder to dismiss conspiracy theories out of hand. 09:10:29

Tweets for 2017-05-02

RT @TheTopPodcast: Our 'Podfluencer' of the Week, @TerenceCGannon of the @WorkNotWork Show: Discover where work is one's inspiration:… 08:18:17

Tweets for 2017-04-29

RT @TerenceCGannon: Now on @Medium: “The Tyranny of a Happy Accident” One great month in my early twenties pretty much ruined my career… 10:56:25

Tweets for 2017-04-16

Rare quiet weekend morning a good time to catch latest episode of the @WorkNotWork show. Very cool interview. 09:44:23

Tweets for 2017-04-14

RT @TerenceCGannon: It's a noble effort of @Nenshi and @MaryHMoran to pitch #YYC in #SiliconValley but it's based on a flawed premise: 07:57:37

Tweets for 2017-04-12

RT @ShopifyPartners: Are you joining us at #ShopifyUnite? Tweet us a reply so we can add you to our list 🙌 07:37:07

Tweets for 2017-04-10

RT @DeathStarPR: Here at @United Airlines, our friendly new customer service representative is here to help you disembark quickly an… 19:53:21

Tweets for 2017-04-03

Wow. Thanks for the quick turnaround! 05:23:54 RT @mattgodbolt: Apparently it's GCC's 30th birthday today. Thanks to all who've worked on this amazing and underappreciated piece of technology! #gcc 05:56:00