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Category Archives: Tweet Digests

Twitter digests

Tweets for 2016-12-22

RT @iamdevloper: If body { background: red; } isn’t the first thing you do to test a CSS file is included, then I don’t know what kind of developer you are. 05:25:42

Tweets for 2016-12-21

*facepalm* 19:53:10

Tweets for 2016-12-08

RT @steelworkers: Chuck is a hero not a scapegoat: you, others know about Carrier because of his, members' tireless work since day 1… 05:10:41 From the "Didn't-We-Already-Know-Modern-Medicine-Is-Messing-With-Evolution" department… 05:21:15

Tweets for 2016-12-04

We gotta get out ahead of this. 15:47:35 RT @venterchris: @CBCCalgary pathetic, they should be ashamed for the trump inspired rhetoric 19:02:54

Tweets for 2016-12-02

RT @trentjohnsen: #Alberta Investor Tax Credit "Bill 30" passes today creating $300 million in new capital 4 #startup over next 3 yea… 15:54:26

Tweets for 2016-11-29

ASIRT investigation is waste of money. They always come back with "justified use of force". 07:11:41 RT @CBCFletch: Americans have been killed by police at a rate of 0.298 per 100K in 2016. Calgarians have been killed by police at… 19:09:11

Tweets for 2016-11-25

Doing anything before 9am PT for a national league is just dumb. 08:38:25

Tweets for 2016-11-23

RT @mollywood: The margins in swing states are RAZOR thin. Like … I mean. Are we SURE about these numbers? 07:46:29

Tweets for 2016-11-20

RT @JonyIveParody: This is Steve Jobs’ yacht. It only docks in proprietary ports. 11:30:15

Tweets for 2016-11-18

RT @michaelianblack: Hearing rumors that the guy who goes "Let's get ready to ruuuuumble" is being considered for Secretary of Defense. 07:41:54