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Category Archives: Tweet Digests

Twitter digests

Tweets for 2016-11-16

So we're all good with pistol whipping and kicking people on the ground then? 18:50:12

Tweets for 2016-11-15

RT @mattdpearce: That feeling when the system is rigged, but then you realize it's rigged in a way that benefits you 07:49:14

Tweets for 2016-11-14

RT @ChrisEvans: We're watching unabashed bigotry creep into the White House right before our eyes. This isn't about left vs right.… 05:44:55

Tweets for 2016-11-13

RT @NifMuhammad: there's actually no virtue in taking a so-called high road with folks who don't understand boundaries and/or don't see you as a person 07:27:02 RT @Medium: “What the Hell Just Happened?” by @davepell 08:13:12 RT @jonathancoulton: @TheFix @FrankBruni If you are not onboard with marriage equality, then you ARE a hateful boob. […]

Tweets for 2016-11-12

"The Dworkin Report shows that Donald Trump has incorporated almost 250 registered businesses in Russia" … *facep… 10:30:25 Why do these guys always have alliterative names? 12:41:47 I realized later that that was a tweet from when Obama won the 2nd time. I'm sure he knew he could exploit the EC… 20:16:37

Tweets for 2016-11-11

I see what I was missing. That quote was from 4 years ago. Too bad no one listened when he realized he could explo… 18:31:37 As an outsider, I'm confused how someone can be cured of being a racist, sexist, narcissistic psychopath over night… 18:37:58 Lost a lot of respect for @WarrenBuffett. An […]

Tweets for 2016-11-09

RT @paulisci: Host: Welcome to the Worst Politics In The World Card Game. (UK plays Brexit) (months pass) (America plays Trump card) UK: Congrats. 01:14:11 Literally setting the US back almost 100 years. Nice work. 01:22:42 I couldn't disagree more. Time for Canada to move beyond US. It is a global economy. 06:08:16 […]

Tweets for 2016-11-08

Even worse, as a Canadian tax payer, I already paid for the podcast to be produced, knock it off @CBC! 12:27:29 Seems to be a misconception among Trump supporters that Canadians would welcome them if Trump loses. 19:40:22

Tweets for 2016-11-07

Better than most multi-million dollar action movie sequences. 14:32:31

Tweets for 2016-11-02

This would be much better without the election ads. #WorldSeries 21:28:17