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Category Archives: Tweet Digests

Twitter digests

Tweets for 2015-10-10

RT @VoxVolo: #VoxVolo is a Fixed Funding campaign. We reach our funding goal, or all contributions are returned, hence zero risk: 19:51:30

Tweets for 2015-10-03

RT @VoxVolo: It's been a long hard road to get this far, but our @Indiegogo funding campaign is live at We are really excited! 14:35:38

Tweets for 2015-09-19

Home from my 1st trip to Dallas. Attended #pgopen and saw Dealey Plaza. Great conference. No way there wasn't a 2nd shooter. #Becausephysics 08:48:21

Tweets for 2015-08-05

Just saw pest control van w/ pic of dog and little girl on the side. Sure, kids/dogs test our nerves but a removal service seems extreme. 11:17:17

Tweets for 2015-04-17

Frustrated every time I use the @aircanada online checkin. This time found a flaw that gave me a boarding pass for flight >24 hours away. 19:53:44

Tweets for 2015-03-14

RT @CNET: DIY quadcopter-based "Star Wars" Speeder Bike takes flight 12:34:35

Tweets for 2015-03-07

RT @kellan: People keep pointing to adoption of a new tech by major companies as proof that it is good, to which I say SOAP 10:36:06

Tweets for 2015-03-02

Live long and prosper. 06:39:05

Tweets for 2015-02-27

How many times is "Live long and prosper" going to be tweeted in the next 48 hours? 20:09:32

Tweets for 2015-01-11

RT @jeffcannata: I lol'd “@warrenchrismas: Amazing. Billy Joel playing harmonica looks just like dying Anakin Sywalker. #starwars” 12:33:14